How Do I Cut Down On Legal Costs?

If this is not the number one question going through people’s minds as the face a break-up, it is certainly near the top of the list. This is particularly the case in these current challenging economic times. How can I get through my family law separation, without it costing a fortune?

It is very sensible question. If things go wrong, and particularly if you end up in court, your matter can end up costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Most people don’t have that to spend on their separation or divorce. Least of all, waste it on legal costs or pesky lawyer fees.

The first thing to recognise is that family law break ups are often complex and difficult. It does often require some legal expertise and experience and some significant expenditure on legal costs to get it right. There is no getting away from this. If you try to cut costs by doing it cheaply or on your own, without an experienced family lawyer to help you, it is likely to come undone and end up costing you a whole lot more.

So how do you best cut down on legal costs in family law matters, whilst getting the best results?

Here’s our 5 key success tips that forms the foundation of our “Lawfully Uncoupling Program”:

  1. Put the time and effort at the beginning into getting it right. You want to resolve your matter as quickly, efficiently and as inexpensively as possible by way of Consent Orders or binding Agreements.

  2. Adopt a good program to achieve this objective. One where you provide all the necessary information to your lawyer at the beginning, by answering a comprehensive but user-friendly Questionnaire. From this your lawyer can prepare the initial documents which will resolve your matter.

  3. Get good advice at the beginning as to what are your legal entitlements and what is your best resolution and how to get it. Get good information so you understand your legal position and so can make the best decisions in cooperation with your lawyer, who is there to serve your interests. Provide all the searches and valuations and financial disclosure at the beginning to back up what you say. Your lawyer can assist you to do this.

  4. You then send the documents you have prepared to the other party and invite them to participate in a cooperative and sensible dispute resolution program. You invite their input to the initial documents and to respond them. You ask that they give an appropriate disclosure. You give all necessary information and disclosure so everyone understands the facts and figures and are on the same page.

  5. Then you work out the points of difference if any and resolve them. You negotiate a settlement by various means including negotiation and mediation. You reach an agreement. Then you file documents on the court portal to achieve final Consent Orders. Or otherwise conclude final and binding Agreements. Then you implement the settlement.

I developed the Lawfully Uncoupling Program as a result of my 40 years as a family law legal specialist. It is an innovative online solution available to anyone wherever they are and help them to achieve a successful separation. It is simple, step-by-step convenient program which puts you in charge of the resolution process and makes it quite satisfying and enjoyable to participate in.

It is suitable to resolve difficult family law disputes and where there are significant assets. But also it is the best way to help people simpler separations and who do not have major assets to divide and who are largely in agreement.

If you’re looking for a way to minimise expense and legal costs whilst obtaining the maximum possible results, you can book a free initial chat with me to discuss your situation.


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