Lawfully Uncoupling Blog
Insights from the Divorce Whisperer

V-Day ❤️ vs D-day 💔
Love is in the air, or is it the sound of papers being shredded? Ah, February, the month of romance, adorned with hearts, flowers, and the ever-anticipated Valentine's Day. But wait, there's another day lurking around the corner, one that might not be as cheerful but deserves some attention nonetheless – Divorce Day, or as we affectionately call it, D-Day.
We’ll take a lighthearted journey through the ups and downs of these two contrasting occasions.

📣 Your Children Are Not Pawns In Your Separation or Divorce!
Separation/Divorce is undoubtedly challenging, but it should never come at the expense of children's well-being. Amidst the turmoil, children often find themselves caught in the crossfire, becoming unwitting pawns in a battle they didn't choose to be a part of…
Read how Parenting Consent Orders can safeguard your child against such exploitation.

Sleighing Separation 🎄✨
At Christmas things do tend to come to a head. There are all the family rituals, obligations and competing family loyalties. It can create a lot of pressure on some relationships… And in the New Year, there is a surge in new divorce cases as people swear they won't endure another Christmas like the last one and are determined to make a change.
So how can you sleigh separation this holiday season?

Is a Divorce Barbie on your Christmas list?
Why is 'Divorce Barbie' so much more expensive?” The attendant chuckles and explains, “Well, you see, 'Divorce Barbie' comes with Ken's car, Ken's house, and most of Ken's superannuation.”
Now, that joke may not be side-splitting. But it does highlight an important point: It’s not true. The system is not against the man in the relationship.

Black Friday: A Divorce from Overspending
Surprisingly, the chaos of Black Friday can draw parallels to the complexities of divorce —thrills, excitement, impulse decisions, and sometimes, regrettable outcomes…

How Do I Cut Down On Legal Costs?
If this is not the number one question going through people’s minds as the face a break-up, it is certainly near the top of the list. This is particularly the case in these current challenging economic times. How can I get through my family law separation, without it costing a fortune?

Divorce As A Healing Experience? Yes! It Is Possible…
Divorce doesn't have to be a traumatic ordeal. The heart of a healing divorce experience lies in a well-structured program designed to streamline the process, empower you, and foster cooperation. Here's a brief overview of how it works…

What If Your Ex-Partner Starts Court Proceedings?
It's a scenario none of us wants to face - the dreaded moment when your ex-partner decides to take the legal route and initiate court proceedings… It can be a disaster for everyone involved, except for the lawyers who relish the adversarial process. So what do you do?

3 Key Issues Why People End Up In Court
Understanding the underlying factors that can contribute to the dissolution of marriages and negatively influence the separation or divorce process is crucial in preventing an expensive date with the courtroom.

Stop! Be Proactive And Action.
The breakup of a marriage or partnership is challenging enough on its own. But when anger, fear, and resentment rear their ugly heads, it can transform the situation into an unpleasant and costly contest… So in the words of the wise Vanilla Ice; “Stop! Be Proactive and Action”.